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Paro Festival Tour Package

8 day 7 night

Tour Type
Daily Tour

Group Size


Paro Festival is one of the busiest festival in Bhutan. The unfolding of the silk Thangka – which is so large that it covers the face of the building -is considered one of the most sacred blessings in the whole of Bhutan. The ‘Thangka’ is a religious picture scroll known as a Thongdroel and it is exhibited for a few hours, at day break of the final day of the festival, enabling the people to obtain its blessing. This holy scroll ‘confers liberation by the mere sight of it’ (the meaning of the word ‘thongdroel’ in Bhutanese). This festival is held once a year so it is also the time to for Bhutanese to celebrate with their relatives and friends.
The ‘Tsechus’ are Buddhist religious festivals where masked dances depicting events from the life of Padmasambhava, the eighth century Nyingmapa Buddhist teacher (second to Buddha), and stories of other saints are staged. In Bhutan, Padmasambhava is known as ‘Guru Rimpoche’. The dances are performed by trained monks and laymen wearing costumes that depict the creatures that you can expect to meet after death. Besides attending the Paro Festival and sightseeing in the Paro valley, this tour will also take you to Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan, and the Punakha and Wangdi valleys. Driving over the 3000mts scenic Dochu-la pass offers you fantastic views of the mountain ranges of the eastern Himalayas.


Take flight to Paro, one of the most spectacular of all mountain flights. You will see major Himalayan peaks such as Everest, Kanchenjunga and Makalu, and then on the final approach to Paro, Bhutan’s snowy peaks, Chomolhari, Jichu Drake and Tserimgang will come into view. Bhutan’s first gift to you as you disembark from the aircraft will be cool, clean fresh mountain air.
On arrival you will be met by our representative, and after completion of arrival formalities will be taken to your hotel.

Afternoon free for activities or at leisure.

In the evening, take a stroll around Paro market. Overnight at the hotel in Paro.

Paro is a most picturesque valley, with quaint hamlets clustered amidst terraced paddy fields.
The town still maintains tradition by way of its architecture and simple way of life.

In the morning, visit to Ta Dzong, formerly a watchtower but now housing the National Museum. Ta Dzong holds unique and varied collections, ranging from ancient armor to textiles, thangkha paintings, stamps, coins, and natural history. Then walk down a hillside trail to visit Paro Dzong (Rinpung Dzong) built in 1646 during the time of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. It now houses Paro’s monk body and the offices of the civil administration.
After lunch, drive up valley to Drukgyel Dzong or “the Fort of Drukpa Victory”.

In former times, the Bhutanese repelled invasions by Tibetan from this fortress. Though largely destroyed by fire in 1951, the ruins still present an imposing sight. On a clear day, there is a splendid view of Bhutan’s sacred mountain, Chomolhari from the approach road to Drukgyel Dzong. Also visit a traditional Bhutanese houses in the village nestled below the Dzong. Then head back towards Paro town, en route visiting Kyichu

Lhakhang, established in the 7th century, and one of the two oldest shrines in the kingdom (the other is in Bumthang), reflecting the introduction of Buddhism in Bhutan. Overnight at the hotel in Paro.

After breakfast drive to Thimphu, the modern capital town, passing through idyllic countryside, with villages and paddy fields on either side of the road. En route visit Simtokha Dzong, one of the oldest fortresses of the country, which now houses the Institute for Language and Culture studies.

Afternoon sightseeing in Thimphu valley, visiting: Trashichho Dzong, the seat of the government: the National Memorial Chorten, within which there are finely executed wall paintings and delicately fashioned statues which provide deep insight into Buddhist philosophy: and the Handicrafts Emporium, which displays a wide range of the traditional handicrafts for which Bhutan is renowned. You may also be able to catch a game of archery in progress at the Changlimethang sports ground, just below the town.

Take an early evening stroll around the market area before dinner.
Overnight at the hotel in Thimphu.

In the morning, visit the following: the National Library, with its extensive collection of priceless Buddhist manuscripts; the Institute for Zorig Chusum (commonly known as the Painting School) where students undergo a 6-year training course in Bhutan’s 13 traditional arts and crafts; the National Institute of Traditional Medicine (outside only), where Bhutan’s famed traditional herbal medicines are compounded and dispensed.

After lunch, proceed to Punakha across Dochu-la pass (3,088m/10,130 ft). The highest point on the road is marked by a large Bhutanese Chorten and prayer flags fluttring on the hill. On a clear day, there is a breathtaking view over the high peaks of the eastern Himalayas from this spot.

Check into the hotel on reaching Punakha. Until 1955, Punakha served as the capital town of Bhutan and it is still the winter seat of the Je Khenpo (Chief Abbot). Visit Punakha Dzong, built by Shabdrng Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century and situated at the junction of Pho Chu and Mo Chu rivers.

Overnight at the hotel in Punakha.

Early morning drive to Wangdi and Punakha Valleys. Visit the impressive Punakha and Wangdi Dzongs and take a short walk through a small village and rice terraces to Chimi Lhakang, the temple of Drukpa Kuenley.
Overnight in Punakha

Get up before dawn to see the unfurling of the Thongdroel and, after breakfast set off on a short hike to Taktsang Monastery, perched precipitously on the cliff face. Enjoy a picnic lunch en route. If you are unable to hike, an alternative sightseeing tour is available.

Overnight in Paro

After breakfast in the hotel, drive to the airport for flight to onward destination.
